Appearing on Reddit this week and worthy of a share is David Kingsman’s (aka Daverant on Reddit) “improved” version of a wandering hour clock, which is partially 3D printed and sure to act as a conversation piece in any room.

A wandering hour clock displays minutes in an arc rather than a circle, along which a single “hour” number passes – meaning the current hour is always pointing at the current minute. It may seem complicated at first, but once it clicks, you’ll wonder why all clocks aren’t designed this way.

An alternate color scheme shared by Kingsman (Source: David Kingsman via Printables)
Creating your own seems to be straightforward, if not a bit time-consuming (pun intended), as a fair bit of assembly is required. You can print the clock’s numbers in PLA with a 0.4mm nozzle at a 0.2mm layer height, although you may need to print the minute arc in two pieces.

You’ll also need a print bed of at least 200x200mm, an Ikea “Bondis” clock to act as a base, several screws and bearings, cardboard stock, and a clock movement – all of which are detailed on the clock’s Printables page, along with full assembly instructions.

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License: The text of "Upgrade Your Wall With This Printable Wandering Hour Clock" by All3DP is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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