Product Box - custom label - (us)

Cork Wood PLA Filament

Cork fibers are mixed with the biodegradable polylactic acid to create a dark brown material that compliments the colors of other wood PLA filaments nicely.

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Product Box - custom label - (de)

Cork Wood PLA Filament
With a custom label (de)
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Product Box - custom label - (fr)

Cork Wood PLA Filament
With a custom label (fr)
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Product Box - custom label - (uk)

Cork Wood PLA Filament

Cork fibers are mixed with the biodegradable polylactic acid to create a dark brown material that compliments the colors of other wood PLA filaments nicely.

With a custom label (uk)
Commissions Earned Check price at

Product Box - custom label - (ca)

Cork Wood PLA Filament

Cork fibers are mixed with the biodegradable polylactic acid to create a dark brown material that compliments the colors of other wood PLA filaments nicely.

With a custom label (ca)
Commissions Earned Check price at

Product Box - custom label - (es)

Cork Wood PLA Filament
With a custom label (es)
Commissions Earned Check price at

Product Box - custom label - (au)

Cork Wood PLA Filament

Cork fibers are mixed with the biodegradable polylactic acid to create a dark brown material that compliments the colors of other wood PLA filaments nicely.

With a custom label (au)
Commissions Earned Check price at

Product Box

Cork Wood PLA Filament

Cork fibers are mixed with the biodegradable polylactic acid to create a dark brown material that compliments the colors of other wood PLA filaments nicely.

Commissions Earned Check price at

Product Box - custom label

Cork Wood PLA Filament

Cork fibers are mixed with the biodegradable polylactic acid to create a dark brown material that compliments the colors of other wood PLA filaments nicely.

With a custom label
Commissions Earned Check price at

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Cork Wood PLA Filament
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